Lifetime Learning is coming soon
Lifetime Learning’s Fall 2021 Session will run from Sept. 27 to Nov. 19, with eight weeks of exciting new courses, one to four classes in length. The Friends of Snow Library will be running a “hybrid’” Lifetime Learning program for the first time. This means that classes will be held in the library's Craine Room, live and in person, and Zooming from the Craine Room at the same time. A maximum of 40 attendees will be allowed in the Craine Room for each class and will be selected on a first-come, first-served basis when you register. Zoom registration is unlimited. You will be able to make your choices (in-class or zoom) for each course individually. All courses (except one) will be recorded and sent to course registrants. There will be 26 courses with some of your favorite presenters from the past as well as some terrific new ones.
The Friends are looking forward to seeing you in the fall.