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Lifetime Learning: Take Me Away! Travel the World of Classical Mythology Through Art, Part 4

Cupid and Psyche, oil on canvas, by Francois Girard (Louvre, Paris)

Cupid and Psyche, oil on canvas, by Francois Girard (Louvre, Paris)

Peggy Kelleher (B.A., Classical Languages, Chestnut Hill College, M.A., Teaching of English, Manhattanville College) brings you a passport to some of the world’s most spectacular art inspired by classical mythology. Each week in this online series the class will “travel” to a different museum in a major city to examine and enjoy selected works on display at that museum that represent myths and legends of the ancient world. This week the class will look at artwork at the Louvre in Paris.

Course information and registration is available at You must register at least 48 hours prior to the class.